Three of Coins

Element: EARTH

Upright: Collaboration, Learning, Apprenticeship
Reversed: Working Alone, Lack of Teamwork, Lack of Motivation

Symbology, Meaning and Interpretation


Collaboration, Learning, Apprenticeship. 

It is commonly said that the Three of Coins is for artists and creative people.
In the foreground, a sculptor works with a hammer and a chisel. A full bearded man, he is crowned with laurel, and was inspired by Auguste Rodin, French sculptor, creator of the famous “Thinker” and “The Kiss”.

He is a skilled artisan, working hard to master his technique to achieve great rewards. However, to create great masterpieces, you need help and support.
Two more sculptors are joining the work and the result is an exquisite statue of Venus. Being made of gold, it gives her a more precious meaning and sense of greatness.
A beautiful figure of the goddess was built from raw matter, just like the alchemical process that transforms the crudest material into celestial gold.

The scene itself (of a sculptor creating a goddess) was inspired by the myth of Pygmalion and Galatea. The story states that Pygmalion was working on such a beautiful sculpture that fell in love with it and wished very hard to give life to her.

The partnership threw the main sculptor to the next level, allowing him to learn new skills and possibilities. That is what cooperative work is for you. By listening to the others’ suggestions and guidance you will be able to find new ideas and improve your potential. So be open to what others may have to teach you; you would be surprised.

In the background, a red curtain (symbol of ambition) covers incomplete or grotesque pieces of sculptures. That idea just emphasises the theme of cooperation and its importance in artistic development, reminding us that we do not have to do everything by ourselves. It is interesting the contrast with the Two of Coins, in which a man was struggling to handle all tasks by himself. 

The number three ruling the card suggests to put together your own components; your soul, your mind, and your body in harmony. 

You are actually a very talented person; your work is full of potential. So, this card advises you to let your rational and emotional side contribute to your creations. Do not be afraid to explore your ideas and thoughts in your artistic projects by letting emotions drive your hand. That is what actually separates an artisan from an artist, the meaning and expression that you can give to your artworks, transforming to have their own soul, allowing them to have a sparkle of life, a personality of their own. Just like Pygmalion and Galatea.


Working Alone, Lack of Teamwork, Lack of Motivation.

The Two of Coins depicted a person dealing with a lot of tasks, falling into a great stressful moment. The reversed Three of Coins seems to follow the same path. 

Someone who is too stubborn to accept guidance and suggestions from others may never find the desirable results. It is typical from inexperienced creators to think that they could do everything by themselves. It is not bad to work hard and to commit yourself to your tasks, but you should know the limits of your capacities. Trust others to help you in your development and you will learn lots of new tools and techniques for your future projects. 

To learn is an important keyword regarding this card, even if you are an experienced worker. You may repeat your mistakes and keep doing the same flaw over and over again. It is a good time to stop and ask for feedback from someone who is not as close as you are to your work.

Alternatively, the card speaks about the lack of teamwork. It looks like not everyone is working in synchrony and there is no progress at all. Synergies must flow in the same direction so that success is tangible. However, partners may have different objectives or follow egocentric ways and methods that have significant impact on the project itself. Be sure that you are not being driven by selfish plans. Propose a meeting to discuss what is going on and to establish realistic and concordant routes – that can inspire your partners. Often the lack of communication is the main point of an unsuccessful job.