Due to the fact there are people selling our PDF guide with replicas and counterfeit decks. Or send the persons that bought these replicas to our pdf link,  we no longer have our pdf for download. We always believe in sharing and giving to others what we produce, but at the moment we cannot pact with this anymore. Our website remains free, you can see and read any of our meanings and symbolism.

This year we will release our book, so if you want a printed edition of the meanings you will be able to buy it. 🙂 You can join the waiting list here

We designed this deck, creating each card by ourselves and wrote every single meaning with so much love. This was a project with a massive number of hours. So we ask you to report every single replica deck you see from Terra Volatile.
We will do a page with all our authorized shops with our deck in the future, but for now all decks are sold out – so any deck you see online is fake for sure. 

We are heartbroken to see people doing money on our behalf. We ask you to support small businesses and artists, buying the real product.