Symbology, Meaning and Interpretation
Diligence, Mastery, Skill Development.
The Eight of Coins depicts a blacksmith on the forge, creating eight golden coins.
This is a card about hard work, dedication, and diligence, demanding full concentration on your current tasks.
This young blacksmith is working alone, focused on his duties, like an artist in his studio preparing an important exhibition. That means that you need to commit yourself to your projects, without distractions, improving your skills and doing your best.
Use this moment to master your techniques and create a work discipline, being pragmatic. All your future projects will benefit from that.
Unlike the Three of Coins, this is not a card for people’s recognition, instead, it is a card for self-development, studying, upgrading. Your long and hard work right now has more chances to generate future success and more positive feedback as you bring your project to the daylight.
Since you do not see the instant rewards of your labour, you may feel unmotivated. It is very natural to feel that way but try to focus on your goals and to understand that every successful project has its own struggles and tireless efforts. This card on a spread will encourage you to keep working because you are on the right track, just need a little more persistence and patience. If you have not started your project yet, then you must think about it more seriously.
The dark forge/studio of this artisan suggests an endeavour that transcends the material realm. As you perfect your own tasks, you evolve, not only professionally but also on an internal level. The Fire on the forge has great motivacional properties that incite your will and purpose, as well as your intellect or emotional growth.
In other words, developing your skills is an effective tool for the process of self-knowledge, by learning your limits and capacities you will gain a more realistic view of your objectives.
Lack of Motivation, Aimlessness, Harder working.
The reversed Eight of Coins may suggest lack of motivation and the result is a mediocre job.
There is very low focus and effort invested in your tasks. The lack of passion for what you do is essentially related to a stagnant career or living a life with no meaningful goals. It is important to rethink about your projects or job and the way it influences you in your daily life. The same way, you must rethink your goals and be sure you are working towards them.
In reverse, the Fire on the forge is extinguished so there is no energy to move forward. That symbolic Fire will allow you to enlighten your current darkness and to give the necessary power to start your engine. Reignite it by focusing on your most important goals.
Alternatively, the reverse of the Eight of Coins emphasises the idea of hard work described in the upright version. Here, to master your skills you need to endure even more demanding tasks. The hard work turns into harder work, so you need to be more focused and dedicated than usual. Do not give up, keep yourself motivated, be patient and you will be compensated by the time you finish your project. Do not rush it, but give it the necessary time to reach its full potential.