Three of Wands

Element: FIRE

Upright: Progress, Growth, Foresight, New ideas
Reversed: Restriction, Playing Safe, Lack of Progress

Symbology, Meaning and Interpretation


Progress, Growth, Foresight, New Ideas.

In this card, a man, sometimes described as a merchant, stands atop a cliff, looking to the vast sea. His posture affirms his confidence and commitment to his plans, open to new adventures.

The ships that arrive and depart stand for great dynamism in his business or career. That is undoubtedly a sign of progress and personal achievement. After a period of hard work, risking and solid planning (as seen in the Two of Wands), the central figure takes the fruits of his labour.

The fire of ambition that dominates this suit encouraged the character of the previous card to step towards his goals. In the Three of Wands more steps have been taken, fearlessly into unknown territories, developing new strategies and creative processes.

This card is definitely a great omen for your projects or company. But as the ships come and go, you need to keep working, dreaming bigger and doing your best to keep the energy flowing and to achieve greater rewards.

These ships are often described as the reinforcements coming to assist us in our journey. They come to us as new ideas and inspiration, essential to keep the dynamics and excitement of any successful project.


Restriction, Playing Safe, Lack of Progress.

The Three of Wands in reverse says that you are able to grow and to expand but you prefer to play safe.

By staying in your comfort zone, you may keep your projects steady but you prevent yourself from exploring your full potential, therefore denying greater achievements. Furthermore, a business that is not dynamic easily gets dull and boring and may lead you to a life of monotony and disappointment.

Be open to new opportunities and dare to explore new ideas (brought by the ships on the sea), even if they look too risky. Remember that “nothing ventured, nothing gained”.