Two of Swords

Element: AIR

Upright: Difficult Decisions, Impasse, Blindness
Reversed: Truth Revealed / Hesitation, Postponement

Symbology, Meaning and Interpretation


Difficult Decisions, Impasse, Blindness.

In the central set of this card we can see a sitting figure with a cloth covering his head, preventing him from seeing the world around. Confused and unable to understand what is happening around him, this is a symbolic illustration of our situation at this particular point.

The crossed arms block him to act and the swords in each hand represent the hard decisions he is facing right now. Both weapons look similar but they point opposite directions. Clairvoyance is needed to distinguish the differences between the swords and interpret both of them carefully.

If we pay attention, we can see mountains in the background, which represent the new obstacles he has to face. The agitated waters symbolise the emotions we need to balance and sometimes curb from interfering in our intellectual and logical processes.

To beat this unpleasant moment of confusion and doubt we may need to find inspiration and concentration through introspection and meditation. The figure seems to follow that advice already. Despite the confusion the figure conveys, he is depicted calmly sitting in a peaceful landscape, balancing the swords.

At his feet, two birds wrestle, illustrating the internal fight that we must make even or resolve.


Truth Revealed / Hesitation, Postponement.

The Two of Swords in reverse generally indicates that the period of fogginess is passing, and you are finally able to perceive things with clarity. It also can refer to the unveiling of lies and secrets.

In contrast, the Two of Swords may represent the inability to choose and delays. Anxiety, fears and doubts are preventing you from taking action in an important matter, delaying it. The result is a stressful moment that tends to get worse the more time passes, and action is avoided.

To get stuck in an impasse is often more stressful and painful. No matter how you examine it, you must deal with it. Have a deep meditation about the options and act rationally so you can move on.